Monday, January 17, 2011

MOOD for our EYEs !!!

           Just happened to be in the middle of the most happening college fest in India.. yea the mood-i J  engineering students had a ball!!!    And saw some too :-P
   Yea this junta convenes  here  to catch up with their opposite species.
    These tech guys are the most unlucky male species on this planet. The only female company they have in their lectures are of those  beautiful*** damsels, facial hair more than a guy having a 2 day stubble! :-D    poor nerds i say!!
So when they come face to face with a beautiful young girl they stammer and mess up as if they are up for a bout with muhammed ali! :-P                           Lock an engineering student in a room with a horny model and they’ll end up teaching  her quantum physics..... and the closest they can get to romance is, justifying how her upper torso is an exception to d law of gravity :-P :-D
      Dmitry Medvedev   was going to be there, but who cared for that old Russian in a black tux?  The actual crowd puller was the tattoo parlour and the levis curvy stall!!!!  This is their annual fiesta, indulgence is an impossible leisure the other 361 days!!!
They don’t care for the fundas they learn in college, these guys are more concerned about Charlie Sheen’s methodology and how to execute it practically.(though they fail at it miserably) L   
   They’ll talk non stop about fluid mechanics to thermal stresses and complain about their predicament but when it comes to dealing with the feminine group they are poor pups cornered in a dark alley.     
Haha , the engineering species are a  weird bunch!!!! You cant  decode them!  They are cryptic:-D

***   hairy, wid high powered spectacles, imagine saddam hussain with long hair and wearing telescopic spectacles.

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