Tuesday, May 24, 2011


              At times when I grapple to study for my exams, not the ones  which  prepare me for a better tomorrow but the ones which mess up my fine present, I think of the long lost people  who have scraped through these “TESTS”. People Who have passed these barriers  with pride but have found themselves among the countless unrecognizable faces filling up this planet.
     Today’s Youth go to college thinking they’ll learn a thing or 2.But the soft , safe assassins of college classrooms who, incompetent to answer the queries of a quest for reason, take pleasure in crippling the young minds entrusted to their care. The mothers and fathers of today, who tremble with fear when their baby falls, who protect their offsprings with a zeal of an evangelist, who go all out to form a protective covering about their kids , send them to colleges to be turned into a tortured neurotic where he’s taught that he requires no mind and that his attempt to think is ghastly.
        They teach us the art of survival, the “chalta – hai” attitude and equip us with such thoughts that are non-chalant. Yet , man whose tool of survival is the mind, does not merely fail to teach a child to think but devotes the childs education to the purpose of destroying his brain, of convincing him that thought is futile and evil, even before he has started to think.!!!!
      From the first catch phrases flung at a child to the last, it is like a series of shocks to freeze his motor, to undercut the power of his consciousness. ”Don’t ask so many questions” , “don’t argue. Obey” , “children r supposed to obey not poke their noses with their blabber”, “who are you to say so?, society knows best” , “don’t argue on those facts. Our ancestors have told us to…”
     Men, would shudder if they saw a mother bird plucking the feathers from the wings of her young, then pushing him out of the nest to struggle for survival- yet they don’t realize that that is what they do to their children, their very own children!
       This is the society we are living in today, children don’t have a mind of their own…it s been stolen, stolen by their very own, thinking is a crime, if you dare to think you are branded as a non-conformist, a selfish individual whos out to destroy society…..

      And so………   great minds are nipped at the buds……..